Tuesday, April 5, 2011


My vision for Love Your Shape was about having people know they are more important that self image, that they should love themselves for who they are what they are and how they look.

I thought that a weight loss challenge would be the right way to go, unfortunalty I don't feel that way any more. Within a challenge there are too many rules and restrictions. I am going to be changing the structure of this blog and this blog challenge. I want anyone and everyone to be able to participate.
To see the opportunities that are held in living a healthy lifestyle. For everyone this could look different and since everyone is different I am hoping there will be differences.

I am going to be continuing LoveYourShape, and there will still be weekly goals and challenges, but in more of an open forum type. So please log your weight and time here so that I can post them on the side bar and keep track of our successes! I am looking forward to being an amazing outreach for the world to know that self image and self love are two very different ideas, yet you can love both! Be healthy and live the right lifestyle for you to be a world player and help others be healthy like you!

Tomorrow will be the first of our weekly challenges. Since this will be a different type of forum I ask that you spread the word to others that you know about what we are doing. Lets take a stand for our health and the health of the ones we love and everyone else in the world! Join LoveYourShape on Facebook,  let other know what we are doing.

I'm very excited for all of us and have a great surprise for tomorrow! 


  1. I am looking forward to the upcoming changes on this blog!

    I am also looking forward to the upcoming changes I have committed to make in my life. :D

    I had another bad weigh in but good things are coming, I fell on my butt and can only go up from here.

    View My Weigh In

  2. ((Things can only go up, I meant! Not my weight. ;) I am trying for a 35 mile week! The weight will be going down!))

  3. Christine i know you have it in you! Thank you for all your support! My weight was 145!
