Last month I was given an extrodinary gift.
It was a simple, small and modest book.
My challenge for this week is for everyone to find a way to get a hold of this amazing book!!! Library, book store, I've been lending out my copy. Whatever it takes!!!! If you have two hours to kill, go to your book store see if they have it, and you would be able to read it. Short, quick and life changing.
Age Less, Live More. By Bernando LaPallo.
Normally books about living better, healthier, and prosperously, bore me! All about what to do, what to do, what to do.
Well listen up! Bernando is one funny guy! He is straight forward with over one hundred years of experience. All the info is straight forward concise and written in a pleasant live and love life kind of way. I've always been a believer if you don't love your life, your not living. I want to recommend and highlight some great points made by Senior LaPallo.
The first half of the book is about living, loving and being easy about life. Loving God, loving yourself and trusting. Without faith there is no good fortune or health. Without faith there are poor choices which lead to bad outcomes, which he describes in his book. This impacted me tremendously. I felt a resolve and recognition to always do the responsible thing will help you live a longer healthier and happier life.
Bernardo writes about walking daily, breathing deeply, and loving completely. If I say any more I will be giving away the whole book, but his advice and experience has in two weeks changed around my life and health. I feel amazing am sheading excess weight with exercise, quickly and healthy. My energy has increased, my swelling has decreased, less back pain, my feet hurt less, I'm full and satisfied.
Best part of all is I feel sharper and more accurate with my mind than ever, quicker reflexes and better sleep.
And that's just part 1!!!!
The second half of Age Less, Live More talks about foods to eat. I've always been a healthy eater, yet a few changes with the aid of his suggestions has decreased my want to eat unnecessary foods, to eat less and enjoy more what I do eat. Since reading this book I have managed a completely gluten free diet without feeling deprived!!!!
The added benifits to overall health have blown me away. Do I follow it all religiously? No, of course not. But every little suggestion that I have added in or adopted to my lifestyle has made me feel more alive and happier!
I recommend and challenge you this week to do whatever it takes to get this book. I have looked for a digital copy, there is none, so just go read this very short and powerful book!
Now I would like to thank a very special man, father, brother, friend and angel.
I received this book from an dear friend of mine, someone who saw more in me than I saw in myself, someone who constantly showed love guidence and acceptance. Who's coaching and advice has always touched my heart in his peaceful and loving manor. And it is from this man that I received such a powerful gift of a priceless book. Where I have one three words to give him in return, humility, gratitude, and acceptance... it has been ten months since I have known this man, where he has guided me and supported me, held me to a higher standard and loved me more than I was able to for myself.
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